頭部CT撮影 編
Mx. Johnson, hello. It is your turn. Please come into the examination room.
Mr.:ミスター, 男性 Ms.:ミズ, 女性 Mx.:ミックス, 男女問わず
I will be conducting this exam, I’m XXX, a radiological technologist. Could you tell me your name and date of birth for verification?
Sure. I am Emily Johnson. My date of birth is June 28, 1971. Nice to meet you.
Thank you. Today, we’re going to do a head CT scan, is that correct?
Yes, I’ve been having terrible headaches.
I’m sorry to hear that. We’ll try to make the exam as quick as possible.
Yes, please.
First, please remove all metal objects. Do you have any wigs, hairpins, earrings, necklaces, hearing aids, or dentures?
I have earrings. I’ll take them off right now.
Thank you. Do you have anything else?
I have fillings. Is that okay?
Fillings are fine. It’s okay if they can not be removed.
I understand. Also, CT scans use radiation, right? Is it safe?
Yes, CT scans use radiation, but we minimize the dose here. We regularly assess the radiation levels and follow Japanese guidelines. Also, the doctor orders the exam when the benefits are greater than the risks. Please don’t worry.
I see. Thank you.
Now, please take off your shoes and lie down on the examination table. Place your head on this pillow.
I see.
Let us know if you’re uncomfortable at any time. The microphone is set to pick up your voice.
Please slide to the left. I will adjust the angle of your head, so just relax. Also, close your eyes for a moment. I will fasten your head with a strap.
We will start the exam now. It will take a few minutes, so please do not move during the exam.
The exam is now finished. Thank you for your patience. You can get up slowly.
Thank you.
That concludes this exam. You will hear about the results from your doctor. Do you have any questions?
No, I’m good. Thank you.
Then, take care. If you have any concerns, please feel free to consult us anytime.
Yes, thank you very much.