How to use GATE 10
Today’s topic is how to create phantoms from images and determine the distribution of sources from images.
複雑な形状のファントムは、画像情報を用いことで簡単に作成可能です。小さなボクセルによって複雑な形を表現したファントムをVoxelized phantomといいます。
Phantoms with complicated shapes can be easily created using image information. The phantom which is made from small voxel is called the Voxelized phantom.
また、線源も画像の画素値をもとに配置することができ、それをVoxelized sourceと呼びます。
The distribution of the radiation source can also be based on the pixel value of the image and it is called Voxelized source.
GATE provide these function.
これを読めばVoxelized phantomとVoxelized sourceの使い方が理解できます!
You can understand how to use the voxelized phantom and voxelized source in the GATE simulation if you read this article.
GATEの使い方 10
How to use the GATE
Voxelized phantom
it is troublesome to create a complicated phantom using a combination of cylinders, spheres, and rectangular.
In the field of medicine, we often want to simulate the human body. Therefore, it is often calculated by incorporating CT images into simulation. Of course, like any other simulation software, GATE can do that.
The available image formats are ASCII, Interfile, Analyze, MetaImage, and DICOM.
This time, we will use the Analyze format instead of the DICOM image. ImageJ (Fiji) makes conversion from DICOM to Analyze easy.
この画像からファントムを作成する機能はGATE ver.7.0から使用可能になりましたので、古いversionではできません。
This function (create phantom from image) is available from GATE ver.7.0, so it cannot be done in old version.
There are three ways to create a Voxelized Phantom:
1. RegularParameterization
2. NestedParameterization
3. RegionalizedParameterization
This method is first proposed, and it has the characteristic that the calculation is faster when there are fewer types of substances. Substances should be limited to 3 (air, water, bone).
The following commands speed up the calculation. The boundary between the voxels of the same material is ignored.
# The "hof_brain" is name of voxelized phantom
/gate/hof_brain/setSkipEqualMaterials 1
This method is gradually becoming obsolete.
The advantage of this method is that you can use memory effectively.However, the size is fixed and you cannot make a gap.The drawback is that even if it is the same material, it is always stopped at the voxel boundary (a step is separated) and therefore takes time to calculate.
This method is the most recent and can consume less memory and reduce computation time.However, complex structures and many types of substances do not have this effect.
Voxelized phantomを作成するにあたって用意するものは以下の2つです。
・画像(*.hdr, *.img)
The following two items are required to create a Voxelized phantom.
・A text file that describes substance information (for example, attenuation.dat)
・Image (*.hdr, *.img)
The figure below shows the format of a text file containing substance information.
First, describe how many ranges you want to divide. In the above example, it is 3.
Next, we will describe pixel values, materials, and visualization. Visualization is not supported at this time (2020/5/31), so it is meaningless.
範囲は画素値(0~255)で指定します。8 bitなので256諧調ですね。16 bitは試していないので分かりません。(32bit float画像は使えないようです。小数が使えない。)
The substance to be applied to the phantom is specified by the pixel value (0 to 255) of the image. I haven’t tried 16 bit images, so I don’t know. (32bit float images cannot be used.)
In “attanuation.dat”, describe the substances written in GateMaterials.db. If you want to use a new material, just add it to GateMaterials.db.
Next, prepare the image. The image used this time is downloaded from here. I’m using Fiji to make some changes.
Fijiは以下のコマンドで起動します。(vGATE ver8.2を使用した環境です)
vGATE ver8.2ではデフォルトでインストールされていますが、Fijiをインストールしていない場合はインストールしておいてください。
Fiji can be started with the following command. (This is an environment using vGATE v8.2)
If you have not installed Fiji (not using vGATE), please install it.
256×256×2スライス (256mm×256mm×200mm)の8 bit画像です。
It is an 8-bit image of 256 × 256 × 2 slices (256 mm × 256 mm × 200 mm).
Information can be changed from “Image → Properties…”.
To save the image in Analyze format, follow these steps:

This time, save the images as dokuro.hdr and dokuro.img.
I will explain what is required in the macro file to use voxelized phantom.
/gate/world/daughters/name vox_phan
#/gate/world/daughters/insert ImageRegularParametrisedVolume
/gate/world/daughters/insert ImageNestedParametrisedVolume
#/gate/world/daughters/insert ImageRegionalizedVolume
/gate/vox_phan/geometry/setImage dokuro.hdr
/gate/vox_phan/geometry/setRangeToMaterialFile attenuation.dat
/gate/vox_phan/placement/setTranslation 0. 0. 0. mm
/gate/vox_phan/placement/setRotationAxis 1 0 0
/gate/vox_phan/placement/setRotationAngle 0 deg
前述したようにVoxelized phantomの作成方法は3つありますので、1つだけ選んでください。上の例ではImageNestedParametrisedVolumeを有効にしています。
As mentioned earlier, there are three ways to create a Voxelized phantom, so please select only one. In the above example, ImageNestedParametrisedVolume is enabled.
Voxelized phantomを回転させたい場合には回転させる軸と角度を指定します。上の例では回転させる必要が無かったので0 degとしています。
Specify the axis and angle to rotate the Voxelized phantom if you want to rotate it. In the above example, there is no need to rotate it, so it is set to 0 deg.
The figure below is the result of executing using the following macro file.
PreInit > /control/execute myPET_DMI_vox_phn.mac
これでVoxelized phantomの完成です。
The Voxelized phantom is complete.
Voxelized source
次は画像の画素値をもとに線源の分布を指定するVoxelized sourceです。
Next is a voxelized source that specifies the distribution of the radiation source based on the pixel values of the image.
この機能はGATE ver7.1以降で使用可能です。
This function can be used with GATE ver7.1 or later.
The image formats that can be read are ASCII, Interfile, Analyze, MetaImage, and DICOM. We will use the Analyze format again.
・画像(*.hdr, *.img)
There are two items to prepare.
・A text file that describes the source intensity (e.g. activity.dat)
・Image (*.hdr, *.img)
画像に関してはVoxelized phantomと一緒です(同じファイルをそのまま使ってもOK)。Analyze形式で保存します。
As for the image, it is the same as Voxelized phantom (You can even use the same file as is). Save in Analyze format.
以下のコマンドでVoxelized sourceを使用します。
You can use Voxelized source with the following command.
The image was saved as dokuro32.hdr with the resolution of dokuro.hdr reduced to 32x32x2.
/gate/source/addSource vox_src voxel
/gate/source/vox_src/reader/insert image
/gate/source/vox_src/imageReader/translator/insert range
/gate/source/vox_src/imageReader/rangeTranslator/readTable activity.dat
/gate/source/vox_src/imageReader/rangeTranslator/describe 1
/gate/source/vox_src/imageReader/readFile dokuro32.hdr
/gate/source/vox_src/setPosition -128 -128 -100 mm
/gate/source/vox_src/gps/particle e-
/gate/source/vox_src/gps/energytype Mono
/gate/source/vox_src/gps/monoenergy 140. eV
/gate/source/vox_src/gps/angtype iso
/gate/source/vox_src/gps/mintheta 0. deg
/gate/source/vox_src/gps/maxtheta 90. deg
/gate/source/vox_src/gps/minphi 0. deg
/gate/source/vox_src/gps/maxphi 360. deg
/gate/source/vox_src/gps/confine NULL
The thing to note here is the value of setPosition. If the origin is specified in setPosition, the distribution will be as follows. Therefore, it is necessary to specify the coordinates shifted in the XYZ directions by half the image size.

The format of the text file that describes the intensity of the radiation source is as follows.

The following is the execution result. Generated a low-energy electron beam.
I couldn’t quite understand the relationship between the text file (activity.dat) and the intensity of the radiation source, so I tried the following experiment.
他の条件は全て同じにして、線源分布のもとにする画像のマトリクスだけを変えました。片方は32×32マトリクスの2スライスの画像で、もう片方は256×256マトリクスの2スライスの画像です。サイズは等しく256×256 mmです。
All other conditions were the same, only the matrix of the image that was the source of the source distribution was changed. One is a 32 x 32 matrix, 2 slice image, and the other is a 256 x 256 matrix, 2 slice image. The size is equally 256 x 256 mm.
The white pixel value is 1 and the black pixel is 0.
Calculating pixel values, the number of white pixels is 414 and 27188, respectively.
Looking at the resulting ROOT file, you can see that the number of particles generated is very different. It also matches the total number of pixels with a pixel value of 1.
Therefore, each matrix generates as many (Bq) particles as you specify.
If you can use this, you can do a more realistic simulation.